So we are all busy, but if you don’t make time then you won’t get writing.
So how do you make time and make the most of your time?
First of all, listen to yourself. Your personal biorthyms will mean you function best at certain times. So ask yourself
Are you a lark or an owl? We all are hardwired one way of the other. But whichever end of the day is your golden time make the most of it. Stay up late or get up early. You will know what is right for you.
Start doing this for just one hour a day.
Plan what you are going to do in this special high-creativity,
high production hour. And do it.
That’s the most important time. You will be amazed at how much you achieve. So do this first to establish a good pattern.
Then look at other times you could use better.
Use the small spaces in the day. Every time you stop writing note EXACTLY where you are. The if you have 10 minutes get back to it. Those 10 minutes add up.
The best is the enemy of the good. Professional writers have to finish or they lose their jobs. Get in that habit. Get writing and get finished.